以賽亞書三十三章2-6節 神的小僕人
2 耶和華阿,求你施恩於我們,我們等候你,求你每早晨作我們的膀臂,遭難的時候,為我們的拯救。
3 喧嚷的響聲一發,眾民奔逃,你一興起,列國四散。
4 你們所擄的必被斂盡,好像螞蚱吃(原文是斂)盡禾稼。人要蹦在其上,好像蝗蟲一樣。
5 耶和華被尊崇,因他居在高處,他以公平公義充滿錫安。
6 你一生一世必得安穩,有豐盛的救恩,並智慧,和知識,你以敬畏耶和華為至寶。
整個救恩的中心是在述說創造諸天的神不單以恩典托住萬有,祂也是生命的源頭和拯救。神願意拯救我們 、引導我們、祝福我們,我們也必須回應祂,就是敬畏祂。
Isaiah 33:2-6
Our God is not only the Creator, He holds the world by His grace and tolerance. He is the source of life and the only salvation. He is willing to save, to guide and to bless us all. The only thing we need to do is to fear Him.
Fearing God is not be afraid of Him, but to respect and love Him, to obey and follow Him.