讀經分享列王紀上十二章1-8 節 (1 King 12: 1-8 )

列王紀上十二章1-8節           神的小僕人
1 羅波安往示劍去,因為以色列人都到了示劍,要立他作王。
2 尼八的兒子耶羅波安先前躲避所羅門王,逃往埃及,住在那裡。(他聽見這事)
3 以色列人打發人去請他來,他就和以色列會眾都來見羅波安,對他說:
4 你父親使我們負重軛,作苦工,現在求你使我們作的苦工,負的重軛,輕鬆些,我們就事奉你。
5 羅波安對他們說:你們暫且去,第三日再來見我。民就去了。
6 羅波安之父所羅門在世的日子,有侍立在他面前的老年人,羅波安王和他們商議,說:你們給我出個甚麼主意,我好回覆這民。
7 老年人對他說:現在王若服事這民如僕人,用好話回答他們,他們就永遠作王的僕人。
8 王卻不用老年人給他出的主意,就和那些與他一同長大在他面前侍立的少年人商議...
1 king 12:1-8
As young believers, do we respect the elderly believers who have great experience and spiritual insights to enable us?  Or are we self-centred and are too proud to listen to them thinking that they are outdated and not tuning in with the world?  On the other hand, mature believers, are we setting a good example, ready to build up the younger generation and enable them to grow in Christ through our experience in the Lord?
The story of Rehoboam gives us a great lesson on seeking wise advice.  No matter what life stage we are in, we need to do our best, learn to collaborate and build up a community that glorify God.