讀經分享詩篇131篇( Psalm 131 )

詩篇131篇             神的小僕人
131:1 (大衛上行之詩。)
耶和華啊,我的心不狂傲,我的眼不高大; 重大和測不透的事,我也不敢行。 
131:2 我的心平穩安靜,好像斷過奶的孩子在他母親的懷中;我的心在我裏面真像斷過奶的孩子。 
131:3 以色列啊,你當仰望耶和華,從今時直到永遠!
Psalm 131
When we are anxious and worried, it is the time we come to God for help.  God is our hope and He is reliable.  When we encounter things that we can’t handle, we can always turn to Him. For those who wait on the Lord will be enabled.  
Be still and know that God is Almighty.  He knows and He cares for us.  Trust Him.