詩篇142篇 神的小僕人
經文: 你有沒有經歷過一些時候,感到寂寞、被拒絕、甚至感到自己不可愛、沒有人關心?這些感覺都叫我們十分沮喪,叫我們抬不起頭來,甚至自卑、苦毒和憤怒。但在這個時候,我們不要忘記我們還有愛我們的神,祂從來沒有離棄過我們,而且以永遠的愛深深地愛我們。 今天若我們感到失意、自責和自卑,我們就當向神呼求,再次在祂的愛裡面,被主建造。感謝天父。 Psalm 142 Have we ever experienced times when we feel lonely, rejected, unloved or unaccepted? They are very destructive feelings that can bring us to low esteem, depressed, frustrated or even angry. Then it is time we should cry out to our God who loves us unconditionally. He will never abandon or forsake us. If we feel we’ve failed, guilty and unlovable, we need to remember God who loves and who always longs to build us up. Thank You Father. |