約翰三書第一章 神的小僕人
經文: 使徒約翰給我們的榜樣:在晚年的時候,仍然寫信鼓勵、祝福他的朋友。在這封信中,他鼓勵他的同工,而且帶來很多正能量與影響。在主內的團契中, 我們也需要學習彼此祝福、互相鼓勵,叫大家的信心和愛心增長。 今天在我們的身邊有誰需要我們的祝福和鼓勵呢?現今的文化看重的是個人的權利,基督的文化看重的是別人的好處。 John 3 Apostle John wrote a letter to encourage and bless his friend when he was in a very advanced age. In this letter, he blessed, encouraged his co worker and there was a strong sense of positive energy. In our fellowship today we also need to enhance this sense of mutuality of blessings. Whom we can bless and encourage today? Our culture emphasizes our own rights and benefits but in Christian culture we encourage the blessings and benefits of others. |