讀經分享箴言八章10-21節( Proverbs 8:10-21 )

箴言八章10-21節        神的小僕人
8:10 你們當受我的教訓,不受白銀; 寧得知識,勝過黃金。 
8:11 因為智慧比珍珠( - 或譯:紅寶石)更美; 一切可喜愛的都不足與比較。 
8:12 我-智慧以靈明為居所, 又尋得知識和謀略。 
8:13 敬畏耶和華在乎恨惡邪惡; 那驕傲、狂妄,並惡道, 以及乖謬的口,都為我所恨惡。 
8:14 我有謀略和真知識; 我乃聰明,我有能力。 
8:15 帝王藉我坐國位; 君王藉我定公平。 
8:16 王子和首領, 世上一切的審判官,都是藉我掌權。 
8:17 愛我的,我也愛他; 懇切尋求我的,必尋得見。 
8:18 豐富尊榮在我; 恆久的財並公義也在我。 
8:19 我的果實勝過黃金,強如精金; 我的出產超乎高銀。 
8:20 我在公義的道上走, 在公平的路中行, 
8:21 使愛我的,承受貨財, 並充滿他們的府庫。 
Proverb 8:10-21
Choosing to follow God is the beginning of real wisdom.  Yet we also go astray and fall into the trap of self-centredness.  In the end, we sin against God, we hurt others and we ruin ourselves.
To stay close to God, to know His words and to walk in His will is our greatest blessings.  We always fall back on our sins and may God help us to follow Him closely everyday.