讀經分享彼得前書四章7-11節 ( 1 Peter 4:7-11 )

彼得前書四章7-11 節             神的小僕人
4:7 萬物的結局近了。所以,你們要謹慎自守,警醒禱告。
4:8 最要緊的是彼此切實相愛,因為愛能遮掩許多的罪。
4:9 你們要互相款待,不發怨言。
4:10 各人要照所得的恩賜彼此服事,作上帝百般恩賜的好管家。
4:11 若有講道的,要按著上帝的聖言講;若有服事 人的,要按著上帝所賜的力量服事,叫上帝在凡事上因耶穌基督得榮耀。 原來榮耀、權能都是他的,直到永永遠遠。阿們! 
1 Peter 4:7-11
To practice hospitality is the basic lesson for all Christians.  We talk about loving each other and hospitality, being friendly is the beginning of the deeds of loving each other.  Jesus set us a great example of humble service before He departed.  He is telling us that loving one another is not a slogan but an action.
Let’s start loving one another with being friendly, serving and hospitality.  It is the beginning of loving one another.  May God help us.