讀經分享馬太福音六章19-21節 ( Matthew 6:19-21 )

馬太福音六章19-21節                  神的小僕人
6:19 ( 路 12:33-34 )
6:20 只要積攢財寶在天上;天上沒有蟲子咬,不能銹壞,也沒有賊挖窟窿來偷。
6:21 因為你的財寶在哪裏,你的心也在那裏。」 
我們都喜歡地上的財寶, 有些人花盡一生都是在積聚金錢和財物,卻忘記了永恆的財寶是在天上的,意思是說我們要看重一些非物質、卻有永恆價值的東西,例如對別人的關愛、關係的建立、在神國裏面跟隨上帝的旨意等等。
Matthew 6:19-21
We all live to treasure up earthly things and tend to forget eternal treasure. Jesus reminded us that we should store up treasure in heaven, which can be intangible things, which can be the love and care we give,the relationship we build up, and our willingness to obey God.
Living in the will of God is not a slogan but action.  What God wants from us is a bit more love, a bit more considerate, and a bit more sacrifice.  Any little thing done, even a little prayer will be remembered.