讀經分享以賽亞書四十九章14-16節 ( Isaiah 49:14-16 )

以賽亞書四十九章14-16節 ( Isaiah 49:14-16 )                 神的小僕人
49:14 錫安說:耶和華離棄了我; 主忘記了我。 
49:15 婦人焉能忘記她吃奶的嬰孩, 不憐恤她所生的兒子? 即或有忘記的, 我卻不忘記你。 
49:16 看哪,我將你銘刻在我掌上;你的牆垣常在我眼前。 
Isaiah 49:14-16
There are times we may think that God has forgotten us.  We are in difficult situation and He has not come to our rescue.  We still struggle, problems unresolved and we have to live with them.
Yet the Bible tells us God never forgets us.  He has engraved our names onto His palm. Our names are written in the book of life.  Let’s trust God that He will always love us.