讀經分享路加福音十九章1-10節 ( Luke 19:1-10 )

路加福音十九章1-10節      神的小僕人 
19:1 耶穌進了耶利哥,正經過的時候,
19:2 有一個人名叫撒該,作稅吏長,是個財主。
19:3 他要看看耶穌是怎樣的人;只因人多,他的身量又矮,所以不得看見,
19:4 就跑到前頭,爬上桑樹,要看耶穌,因為耶穌必從那裏經過。
19:5 耶穌到了那裏,抬頭一看,對他說:「撒該,快下來!今天我必住在你家裏。」
19:6 他就急忙下來,歡歡喜喜地接待耶穌。
19:7 眾人看見,都私下議論說:「他竟到罪人家裏去住宿。」
19:8 撒該站著 對主說:「主啊,我把所有的一半給窮人;我若訛詐了誰,就還他四倍。」
19:9 耶穌說:「今天救恩到了這家,因為他也是亞伯拉罕的子孫。
19:10 人子來,為要尋找、拯救失喪的人。」 
Luke 19:1-10
The story of Zacchaeus told us Jesus loves to spend time on us.  We are all lonely people and we need one another.  Yet sometimes we are scared by community life as we need to give, to humble ourselves to receive the love that our hearts long for.  To live in a community we need to accomodate one another.
Jesus entered into the house of zacchaeus to show His total acceptance and willingness to spend time with him.  Are we willing to do the same to others, entering into people’s hearts loving and accepting them?