1 亞哈將以利亞一切所行的,和他用刀殺眾先知的事,都告訴耶洗別。
2 耶洗別就差遣人去見以利亞,告訴他說:明日約在這時候,
3 以利亞見這光景,就起來逃命,到了猶大的別是巴,
4 自己在曠野走了一日的路程,來到一棵羅騰樹下,〔
5 他就躺在羅騰樹下,睡著了,有一個天使拍他,說:起來吃吧。
6 他觀看見頭旁有一瓶水,與炭火燒的餅,他就吃了喝了,仍然躺下。
7 耶和華的使者第二次來拍他,說:起來吃吧,因為你當走的路甚遠。
8 他就起來吃了喝了,仗著這飲食的力,走了四十晝夜,到了神的山,
1 king 19:1-8
Elijah did a great task for God, yet he had run for his life because he offended the royal family who threatened to kill him. On the run, Elijah became very depressed and lose hope. He felt desperate and could not see his future. Even so, God did not give him up. He sent angels to provide and comfort him and Elijah was able to go and seek the Lord in His mountain.
Aren’t we the same? When we have to face with loss, face with difficulties and uncertainty, we lose faith and hope. Yet God does not give us up, He raises us up through His ways and enables us to continue and move forward.
What are we dealing with today? God is still sovereign when we are down and disappointed.