11 後來我察看我手所經營的一切事,和我勞碌所成的功,
12 我轉念觀看智慧、狂妄,和愚昧。在王以後而來的人還能做什麼呢?
13 我便看出智慧勝過愚昧,如同光明勝過黑暗。
14 智慧人的眼目光明,〔光明原文作在他頭上〕,愚昧人在黑暗裡行,
15 我就心裡說:愚昧人所遇見的,我也必遇見,我為何更有智慧呢?
16 智慧人,和愚昧人一樣,永遠無人記念,因為日後都被忘記,
17 我所以恨惡生命,因為在日光之下所行的事我都以為煩惱,
親愛的耶穌,我們的信仰是唯有在基督裏我們才能得着生命的意義。 我們相信在基督裡的生命不會像傳道書2章16節所說的那樣:
Ecclesiastes 2:11-17
The king tried to find pleasure in life through success, projects and celebrations. None gave him the answers to life. What he found was that all creatures had to face the end, that was death, and it is inevitable.
It sounds frustrating. We gain and achieve, enjoying them but we are sad when we lose them. Or else we endeavor to get what we want, and find ourselves struggling all the time. After all the purpose of living is not to seek joy and pleasure. In the midst of all gains and loss is to find meaning in God within our lives. Or else all things are meaningless.
The only meaning in life is to realize God’s purposes. This is our belief.