1 雅各舉目觀看,見以掃來了,後頭跟著四百人,
2 並且叫兩個使女和他們的孩子在前頭,利亞和他的孩子在後頭,
3 他自己在他們前頭過去,一連七次俯伏在地,纔就近他哥哥。
4 以掃跑來迎接他,將他抱住,又摟著他的頸項與他親嘴,
5 以掃舉目看見婦人孩子,就說:這些和你同行的是誰呢?雅各說:
6 於是兩個使女和他們的孩子前來下拜。
7 利亞和他的孩子也前來下拜,隨後約瑟和拉結也前來下拜。
8 以掃說:我所遇見的這些群畜是甚麼意思呢?雅各說:
9 以掃說:兄弟阿,我的已經夠了,你的仍歸你吧。
10 雅各說:不然,我若在你眼前蒙恩,就求你從我手裡收下這禮物,
11 求你收下我帶來給你的禮物,因為神恩待我,使我充足,
Genesis 33:1-11
Jacob abandoned his stubborn thoughts and genuinely reconciled with his brother Esau, whom he deceived years ago. For twenty years Jacob might have been burdened with guilt and regrets. He was genuinely delivered when he reconciled with his brother.
Likewise we might have been burdened with guilt and regrets, and they suffocate us. It is good to be able to set ourselves free by dealing with them. To reconcile with other, we need humility, to face with our wrongs, we need courage, and ultimately we need God who helps us to reconcile with others.
God initiates to reconcile with us and He wants us to do the same, and be free.