1 耶路‧巴力就是基甸,他和一切跟隨的人早晨起來,
2 耶和華對基甸說:「跟隨你的人過多,
3 現在你要向這些人宣告說:『凡懼怕膽怯的,可以離開基列山回去。
4 耶和華對基甸說:「人還是過多;你要帶他們下到水旁,
5 基甸就帶他們下到水旁。耶和華對基甸說:「凡用舌頭舔水,
7 耶和華對基甸說:「我要用這舔水的三百人拯救你們,
8 這三百人就帶着食物和角;其餘的以色列人,
Judges 7:1-8
Gideon fought against the Midianites and God found that he had brought too many people. God told Gideon that the Israelites might think that they won because of their own strength with a big army. God chose only three hundred people in the end and they won the battle through the Mighty power of God.
We all have plans and strategies to deal with our situations. They were not bad but we might focus on our strength and were distracted from the help of God. No matter how small we are, we are able in the hands of our Lord, as five loads of bread and two fish could feed five thousand people in the Mighty hands of our Lord.
Our weakness become strength, depending on whether we remain in Him or not.