讀經分享詩篇106篇12-15節 ( Psalm 106:12-15 )

12 那時他們纔信了他的話,歌唱讚美他。
13 等不多時,他們就忘了他的作為,不仰望他的指教,
14 反倒在曠野大起慾心,在荒地試探神。
15 他將他們所求的賜給他們,卻使他們的心靈軟弱。
禱告: 天父,軟弱的我們實在需要時常提醒自己,不但要感恩,並且要緊緊跟隨主。求主保守帶領我們。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Psalm 106:12-15
The history of the Israelites in the wilderness was a lesson of spiritual apostasy.  They were led through the Red Sea and they believed when they were delivered.  Yet when they were settled with life they forgot their gracious God and went back to their greedy and sinful life. 
We are the same today.  When life is tough, we seek help from the Lord and when we are all good, we turn back to our sinful and wayward living.  God is still gracious only because He is faithful.  
May we learn to remind ourselves, be always grateful and follow God closely.