讀經分享列王紀下二十章1-7節( 2 King 20:1-7 )

1 那時希西家病得要死。亞摩斯的兒子先知以賽亞去見他,對他說:耶和華如此說:你當留遺命與你的家,因為你必死,不能活了。
2 希西家就轉臉朝牆,禱告耶和華,說:
3 耶和華阿,求你記念我在你面前怎樣存完全的心,按誠實行事,又作你眼中所看為善的。希西家就痛哭了。
4 以賽亞出來,還沒有到中院〔院或作城〕耶和華的話就臨到他,說:
5 你回去告訴我民的君希西家,說:耶和華你祖大衛的神,如此說:我聽見了你的禱告,看見了你的眼淚,我必醫治你,到第三日,你必上到耶和華的殿。
6 我必加增你十五年的壽數,並且我要救你和這城脫離亞述王的手,我為自己和我僕人大衛的緣故,必保護這城。
7 以賽亞說:當取一塊無花果餅來,人就取了來,貼在瘡上,王便痊愈了。
2 King 20:1-7
King Hezekiah was sick and about to die.  He prayed to God and God granted him an extra of 15 years.  However this extra years did not give him any credit and was a failure of his whole life. 
Life can be long or short but most importantly is how we live. King Hezekiah did not treasure these extra years to honour God but to pursue stability and pleasure.  It brought disaster to later generation and he did not seem to care.
What a lesson for us.  How do we live our lives and how are we impacting our offspring and people around us?