1 有一個患病的人,名叫拉撒路,住在伯大尼,就是馬利亞和他姐姐馬大的村莊。
2 這馬利亞就是那用香膏抹主,又用頭髮擦他腳的,患病的拉撒路是他的兄弟。
3 他姊妹兩個就打發人去見耶穌說:主阿,你所愛的人病了。
4 耶穌聽見就說:這病不至於死,乃是為神的榮耀,叫神的兒子因此得榮耀。
5 耶穌素來愛馬大,和他妹子,並拉撒路。
6 聽見拉撒路病了,就在所居之地,仍住了兩天。
John 11:1-6
When Jesus heard about Lazarus’ sickness, He stayed at where He was for 2 days, not going to see him though he promised that Lazarus would not die.
We may have hard times when we feel helpless and God is quiet. God is up there not offering any help. What we learn from the story of Lazarus is that God never forsakes us. He is waiting to deliver us, and is training us to be patient, to wait and to trust Him.
When we think that God is silent, or when He may be working but we don’t know, just trust Him.