讀經分享以弗所書五章8-14節 ( Ephesians 5:8-14 )

8 從前你們是暗昧的,但如今在主裡面是光明的,行事為人就當像光明的子女。
9 光明所結的果子,就是一切良善,公義,誠實。
10 總要察驗何為主所喜悅的事。
11 那暗昧無益的事,不要與人同行,倒要責備行這事的人。
12 因為他們暗中所行的,就是提起來也是可恥的。
13 凡事受了責備,就被光顯明出來,因為一切能顯明的,就是光。
14 所以主說:你這睡著的人,當醒過來,從死裡復活,基督就要光照你了。
Ephesians 5:8-14
Paul reminds all believers to live as children of Light.  We decline all disobedience, darkness and shameful deeds and instead pursue what pleases and delights God.
This notion is not just a slogan or an idea.  It is a choice we make as to how we live.  We need to learn to live honestly, to say words that bless one another, to be thoughtful and to encourage others. The darkness that we cannot tell or disclose is what we need to put some thoughts in it.  Or else we fall in the traps of Satan.