讀經分享哥林多前書16章13-14節 (1 Corinthians 16:13-14 )

13 你們務要儆醒,在真道上站立得穩,要作大丈夫,要剛強。
14 凡你們所作的,都要憑愛心而作。
今天的世界敗壞,人心極惡 ,我們作信徒的該如何自處?保羅給我們的提醒便是面對黑暗的世代,我們要在真理中站穩,勇敢的站出來,面對真正的自己,甚至別人的醜惡。保羅說:「凡你們所作的,都要憑愛心而作。」,所以愛心是最最重要的。
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Paul at the end of the book of Corinthians advised believers how to deal with the evil of the world. He told us to stand firm on the Truth, be alert and courageously deal with situations with love. 
The world is full of evil and how should we respond? Paul’s teaching is our blueprints.  We need to live according to the teaching of the Bible, and learn to deal with our own darkness and the evil of the others.  Paul says in the end love is what is essential. 
The world is evil and we need the Truth and love of God to respond.