讀經分享 希伯來書三章7-14節 ( Hebrews 3:7-14 )

7 聖靈有話說:『你們今日若聽他的話,
8 就不可硬著心,像在曠野惹他發怒,試探他的時候一樣。
9 在那裡,你們的祖宗試我探我,並且觀看我的作為,有四十年之久。
10 所以我厭煩那世代的人,說:他們心裡常常迷糊,竟不曉得我的作為。
11 我就在怒中起誓說:他們斷不可進入我的安息。』
12 弟兄們,你們要謹慎,免得你們中間,或有人存著不信的惡心,把永生神離棄了。
13 總要趁著還有今日,天天彼此相勸,免得你們中間,有人被罪迷惑,心裡就剛硬了。
14 我們若將起初確實的信心,堅持到底,就在基督裡有份了。
Hebrews 3:7-14
The Israelites in the wilderness turned into disbelief and rebelled against God.   It hurts our God.  We need to put ourselves in God’s position to under His disappointment.  As parents, if our beloved child doubts our love and turns against us, it breaks our heart.
Therefore the writer of Hebrews asks us to hold on to our faith in Christ, hold on to the hope even in distress, hold on to our pure original conviction in Christ.  On top of it, we need to encourage one another to persist in faith till the end so that we can share in the fullness of Christ.
Pure faith is like a child trusting the parents without any doubt or hesitation.