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14 約瑟的子孫對約書亞說:耶和華到如今既然賜福與我們,我們也族大人多,你為甚麼但將一鬮一段之地,分給我們為業呢?
15 約書亞說:你們如果族大人多,嫌以法蓮山地窄小,就可以上比利洗人,利乏音人之地,在樹林中砍伐樹木。
16 約瑟的子孫說:那山地容不下我們,並且住平原的迦南人,就是住伯善和屬伯善的鎮市,並住耶斯列平原的人,都有鐵車。
17 約書亞對約瑟家,就是以法蓮和瑪拿西人,說:你是族大人多,並且強盛,不可僅有一鬮之地。
18 山地也要歸你,雖是樹林你也可以砍伐,靠近之地,必歸你,迦南人雖有鐵車,雖是強盛,你也能把他們趕出去。
Joshua 17:14-18
The clan of Joseph asked Joshua for more land for their people were numerous. Joshua asked them to take the forested hill country. Yet the people were scared of the Canaanites who were equipped with chariots fitted with iron. Joshua encouraged them to take courage and took also the farthest limits of the hill country.
It seems like an ordinary conversation but if we carefully meditate, we can learn a lesson of courage and faith. To get blessing, we need to step out and take them. When we see our deficiency we have to count our faith in the Lord and His provision. In the end we can get the farthest limit of the land promised to us.
The blessing of the Lord is available to those who walk in faith.