讀經分享約翰福音14章15-21節 ( John 14:15-21 )


15 你們若愛我,就必遵守我的命令。
16 我要求父,父就另外賜給你們一位保惠師,〔或作訓慰師下同〕叫他永遠與你們同在,
17 就是真理的聖靈,乃世人不能接受的,因為不見他,也不認識他,你們卻認識他,因他常與你們同在,也要在你們裡面。
18 我不撇下你們為孤兒,我必到你們這裡來。
19 還有不多的時候,世人不再看見我,你們卻看見我,因為我活著,你們也要活著。
20 到那日你們就知道我在父裡面,你們在我裡面,我也在你們裡面。
21 有了我的命令又遵守的,這人就是愛我的,愛我的必蒙我父愛他,我也要愛他,並且要向他顯現。

主耶穌,生命要面對許多的挑戰,當我們聽從祢,我們就經歷神豐富的恩典和能力。是的,心中愛上帝的就會順服聽從上帝。 願我們不但相信祢是神,祢所帶來的救恩,並且能夠真心愛祢。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
John 14:15-21 
Jesus clearly tells us that loving God means obeying Him. It may be hard to obey but with the help of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, we will be able. The Holy Spirit will live in us and enable us and we will then be living in our Lord.  
We may have heard about obedience thousands of time and yet it is just hard to live it out. Jesus promises to help us and He will be with us. We will then experience the loving power of the presence of God to do what He wants us to do. 
There are challenges in life and when we obey, we experience God, His loving presence and enabling.