5 神就是光,在他亳無黑暗,這是我們從主所聽見,又報給你們的信息
6 我們若說是與神相交,卻仍在黑暗裡行,就是說謊話,不行真理了。
7 我們若在光明中行,如同神在光明中,就彼此相交,
8 我們若說自己無罪,便是自欺,真理不在我們心裡了。
9 我們若認自己的罪,神是信實的,是公義的,必要赦免我們的罪,
10 我們若說自己沒有犯過罪,便是以神為說謊的,
主耶穌,認罪悔改、活在光明中,是信徒應有的生活。 求主憐憫我,光照我,赦免我一切的罪與過犯,
1 John 1:5-10
There are two important truth in this passage. Firstly we must all confess our sins. We tend to lightly confess mistakes and let ourselves go. We must deal with sins seriously. Take them to God and confess, otherwise we are just deceiving ourselves. As we deal with our darkness seriously, we are walking in the light and we can fellowship with God and other Christians. Only in the Light, we will love and relate with one another in love and in Truth. It is obedience in Christ.
Confess our sins and walk in the Light, it is Christian walk.