12 第二天,他們從伯大尼出來,耶穌餓了,
13 遠遠的看見一棵無花果樹,樹上有葉子,就往那裡去,
14 耶穌就對樹說:從今以後,永沒有人吃你的果子。
15 他們來到耶路撒冷,耶穌進入聖殿,趕出殿裡作買賣的人,
16 也不許人拿著器具從殿裡經過。
17 便教訓他們說:經上不是記著說:『我的殿必稱為萬國禱告的殿』
18 祭司長和文士聽見這話就想法子要除滅耶穌,卻又怕他,
19 每天晚上,耶穌出城去。
20 早晨,他們從那裡經過,看見無花果樹連根都枯乾了。
Mark 11:12-20
Today’s passage is about it what Jesus did in the first day of His Holy Week. Jesus cursed the fig tree and cleansed the temple. The fig tree was cursed for it did not produce fruits. The temple was cleansed because it was filled with business and human transactions.
The passage has meaning for us as individual and as a church community. As Christians we should produce fruits and shouldn’t waste the life and energy given. As a church we should worship God instead of using the community for gains and connections. The essence of Christianity is worship and living a life God desires.
Focus on the will of God individually and collectively, this is fruits of Christianity.