1 你們要讚美耶和華。敬畏耶和華,甚喜愛他命令的,這人便為有福。
2 他的後裔在世必強盛,正直人的後代,必要蒙福。
3 他家中有貨物,有錢財,他的公義,存到永遠。
4 正直人在黑暗中,有光向他發現,他有恩惠,有憐憫,有公義。
5 施恩與人,借貸與人的,這人事情順利,他被審判的時候,
6 他永不動搖,義人被記念直到永遠。
7 他必不怕兇惡的信息,他心堅定,倚靠耶和華。
8 他心確定,總不懼怕,直到他看見敵人遭報。
9 他施捨錢財,賙濟貧窮,他的仁義,存到永遠。他的角必被高舉,
10 惡人看見便惱恨,必咬牙而消化,惡人的心願,要歸滅絕。
Psalm 112
The Bible always asks us to be generous, always willing to give and to help, for they please the Lord. It looks like we have to rely on deeds to do please God. The grace of God is free yet generosity is what God wants from us to respond to His grace.
The passage further explains the meaning of generosity. It is giving and lending freely when people are in need. It is totally opposite to the culture of the modern world when people focus only on what we think is fair and to protect our own interest. God wants His people to give freely and be merciful and kind, and God’s blessings will abundantly arrive.
Generosity is a sign of Christian character and is a learning for each of us.