讀經分享撒母耳記上二十四章1-7節( 1 Samuel 24 :1-7 )

1 掃羅追趕非利士人回來,有人告訴他說:大衛在隱基底的曠野。
2 掃羅就從以色列人中挑選三千精兵,率領他們往野羊的磐石去,尋索大衛和跟隨他的人。
3 到了路旁的羊圈,在那裡有洞,掃羅進去大解。大衛和跟隨他的人正藏在洞裡的深處。
4 跟隨的人對大衛說:耶和華曾應許你說:我要將你的仇敵交在你手裡,你可以任意待他,如今時候到了,大衛就起來,悄悄的割下掃羅外袍的衣襟。
5 隨後大衛心中自責,因為割下掃羅的衣襟。
6 對跟隨他的人說:我的主,乃是耶和華的受膏者,我在耶和華面前萬不敢伸手害他,因他是耶和華的受膏者。
7 大衛用這話攔住跟隨他的人,不容他們起來害掃羅。掃羅起來,從洞裡出去行路。
1 Samuel 24:1-7
The story unveiled the Heart of David.  King Saul was pursuing the life of David.  When he came to a cave, king David could have killed him easily.  Yet David feared God and his revere brought to submission and letting go.
The centre of the story is David, his reverence to God and faith in Him. He did not seize his own opportunity but wait upon the Lord.  He let go of the opportunity to remove Saul and got himself the way out and the position of authority for He knew it was not God’s way but only his way.
To let go and keep trusting need faith in the Lord and our constant obedience.