讀經分享民數記二十一章4-9節( Numbers 21:4-9 )

4 他們從何珥山起行,往紅海那條路走,要繞過以東地,百姓因這路難行,心中甚是煩躁。
5 就怨讟神和摩西,說:你們為甚麼把我們從埃及領出來,使我們死在曠野呢?這裡沒有糧,沒有水,我們的心厭惡這淡薄的食物。
6 於是耶和華使火蛇進入百姓中間,蛇就咬他們,以色列人中死了許多。
7 百姓到摩西那裡說:我們怨讟耶和華和你,有罪了,求你禱告耶和華,叫這些蛇離開我們,於是摩西為百姓禱告。
8 耶和華對摩西說:你製造一條火蛇,挂在杆子上,凡被咬的,一望這蛇,就必得活。
9 摩西便製造一條銅蛇,挂在杆子上,凡被蛇咬的,一望這銅蛇,就活了。
禱告: 天父,約翰福音 3章16節說: 神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡,反得永生。我們為這救恩獻上感謝。主耶穌,我們要仰望專注祢的十字架,祢不單拯救我們,並且醫治我們。奉耶穌基督的名禱告,阿們。
Numbers 21:4-9
The Israelites again complained and God again punished them.  They were bitten by snakes and they came to Moses for repentance.  Our gracious God again healed them.  This time Moses was commanded to make a snake on the pole and whoever look at it would be healed.
It has deep meaning when we read through the passage.  Snake caused us to sin and we suffered from pain.  Yet Jesus died on the pole (the cross) to redeem our sins.  We are healed by trusting and looking upon Jesus, focusing on His salvation. He gives us ultimate salvation and healing.
Look at Jesus on the cross, look and we will get healed.