讀經分享阿摩司書四章12-13 節 ( Amos 4:12-13 )

12 以色列阿,我必向你如此行,以色列阿,我既這樣行,你當預備迎見你的神。
13 那創山,造風,將心意指示人,使晨光變為幽暗,腳踏在地之高處的,他的名是耶和華萬軍之神。
Amos 4:12-13
The prophet Amos pointed out how the Israelites turned away from the Lord and how God had them troubles in order to lead them back to the right path.  In the end of this teaching the prophet reminded us to get prepared to meet our Lord.
We are so lucky to be able to meet the Lord everyday.  In front of Him we can see how we turn wayward by sinful desire, our jealousy and bitterness and our lack of awe to our Almighty God.  Meeting God rinses our hearts and desires and help us focus on God, and Him alone.
Thank You Jesus for making us ways to meet our God.  We can see how far we are from your righteous path when we come to You.