讀經分享民數記三十二章6-15節( Numbers 32:6-15 )

6 摩西對迦得子孫和流便子孫說:難道你們的弟兄去打仗,你們竟坐在這裡嗎?
7 你們為何使以色列人灰心喪膽,不過去進入耶和華所賜給他們的那地呢?
8 我先前從加低斯巴尼亞打發你們先祖去窺探那地,他們也是這樣行。
9 他們上以實各谷,去窺探那地回來的時候,使以色列人灰心喪膽,不進入耶和華所賜給他們的地。
10 當日耶和華的怒氣發作,就起誓說:
11 凡從埃及上來二十歲以外的人,斷不得看見我對亞伯拉罕,以撒,雅各起誓應許之地,因為他們沒有專心跟從我。
12 惟有基尼洗族耶孚尼的兒子迦勒,和嫩的兒子約書亞,可以看見,因為他們專心跟從我。
13 耶和華的怒氣向以色列人發作,使他們在曠野飄流四十年,等到在耶和華眼前行惡的那一代人都消滅了。
14 誰知,你們起來接續先祖,增添罪人的數目,使耶和華向以色列大發烈怒。
15 你們若退後不跟從他,他還要把以色列人撇在曠野,便是你們使這眾民滅亡。
禱告: 主阿!我們要信靠祢,願像迦勒和約書亞一樣,專心跟從主。願神的旨意成就,願我們用信心的眼睛看見「神凡事都能」。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Numbers 32:6-15
The Israelites had been in the wilderness and sending men to explore the promised land.  They came back with fear and worry, and the report saddened and discouraged the Israelites.  After decades the descendants of the tribes of Gade and Reuben followed the path of their fathers and they refused to fight the battle.  Moses reminded them the turn back from the way of their unbelieving fathers.
Life today is the same.  What we see is our problems, and our lack of solutions.  We do not see the way of the Lord leading us into victory.  God is our only hope and what He desires, He will accomplish.
Lord help us to focus not on what we cannot but what You can, for with God all things are possible.