讀經分享創世記十三章11-18節( Genesis 13:11-18 )

11 於是羅得選擇約但河的全平原,往東遷移,他們就彼此分離了。
12 亞伯蘭住在迦南地,羅得住在平原的城邑,漸漸挪移帳棚,直到所多瑪。
13 所多瑪人在耶和華面前罪大惡極。
14 羅得離別亞伯蘭以後,耶和華對亞伯蘭說:從你所在的地方,你舉目向東西南北觀看。
15 凡你所看見的一切地,我都要賜給你和你的後裔,直到永遠。
16 我也要使你的後裔如同地上的塵沙那樣多,人若能數算地上的塵沙,纔能數算你的後裔。
17 你起來,縱橫走遍這地,因為我必把這地賜給你。
18 亞伯蘭就搬了帳棚,來到希伯崙幔利的橡樹那裡居住,在那裡為耶和華築了一座壇。
禱告: 天父,為祢對我們的應許感謝祢,我願在等候的時候,也相信並存感謝的心,求主聽我的禱告,奉耶穌的名,阿們。
Genesis 13:11-18
Abram let his nephew choose the eastern land to settle and he moved to the west.  At this time God repeated His promises to Abram about giving him numerous offsprings and land, the length and breadth of it Abram had walked through.
Abram appeared to be disadvantaged by giving in to his nephew Lot.  Yet God provided.  Abram believed God and set an altar to worship God at the time he had no children and no land. How often we lose the trust when things are not happening in our way?  Abram gave us a perfect example of trust.
Thank God for His promises and thank God while waiting for the promises to be realized.