讀經分享耶利米書八章5-9節( Jeremiah 8:5-9 )

5 這耶路撒冷的民,為何恆久背道呢?他們守定詭詐,不肯回頭。
6 我留心聽,聽見他們說不正直的話,無人悔改惡行,說:我作的是甚麼呢?他們各人轉奔己路,如馬直闖戰場。
7 空中的鸛鳥,知道來去的定期,班鳩燕子與白鶴,也守候當來的時令,我的百姓,卻不知道耶和華的法則。
8 你們怎麼說:我們有智慧,耶和華的律法在我們這裡,看哪,文士的假筆舞弄虛假。
9 智慧人慚愧,驚惶,被擒拿,他們棄掉耶和華的話,心裡還有甚麼智慧呢?
禱告: 主啊,我們若棄掉神的話,心裡還有甚麼智慧呢?求祢寬恕我們,賜我們悔改的心回轉歸向祢,屬靈的智慧跟從祢。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Jeremiah 8:5-9
What  we boast is our ability to invent, to manage and to defend ourselves today.  Yet we find ourselves totally hopeless when dealing with covid.  As Jeremiah says, those who decline to follow the way of the Lord and cling only to our own way will be dismayed and trapped.
God listens to every word we say.  He knows us and He knows we head our own way and refuse to turn back.  Look at the birds and animals, they know the seasons and observe the time of migration.  Aren’t they wiser than us? 
Lord forgive us as we refuse to turn back to You.  Grant us the wisdom to follow.