讀經分享列王紀上十八章41-45節(1 king 18:41-45 )

41 以利亞對亞哈說:你現在可以上去吃喝,因為有多雨的響聲了。
42 亞哈就上去吃喝。以利亞上了迦密山頂,屈身在地,將臉伏在兩膝之中。
43 對僕人說:你上去,向海觀看。僕人就上去觀看,說:沒有甚麼。他說你再去觀看,如此七次。
44 第七次僕人說:我看見有一小片雲從海裡上來,不過如人手那樣大。以利亞說:你上去,告訴亞哈,當套車下去,免得被雨阻擋。
45 霎時間天因風雲黑暗,降下大雨。亞哈就坐車,往耶斯列去了。
禱告: 親愛的天父,我們讚美祢,因為祢是信實的神,樂意施行拯救的神!在困難中我們可能只看見「一小片雲」,但不論這片雲有多小,在祢的手中,這就是祢拯救和幫助的開始。天父,當我們在迷漫當中,小小的曙光就是祢的幫助和應許。求主讓我們看見神的恩手,神的一小片雲,神隨時的幫助。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
1 king 18:41-45
After fighting with the prophets of Baal, Elijah prayed and waited upon the rain from God to relieve the drought. Seven times his  servant went to see and finally he saw a cloud as small as a man’s hands.
This “small piece of cloud” can become pouring rain in the hands of God.  It is promise of God’s faithfulness and rescue.  No matter how small the hope we have, we can trust and wait upon God’s rescue.  He can help and He will despite it is “a cloud as small as a man’s hand”.