22 他們來到伯賽大,有人帶一個瞎子來,求耶穌摸他。
23 耶穌拉著瞎子的手,領他到村外,就吐唾沫在他眼睛上,按手在他身上,問他說:你看見甚麼了。
24 他就抬頭一看,說:我看見人了,他們好像樹木,並且行走。
25 隨後又按手在他眼睛上,他定睛一看,就復了原,樣樣都看得清楚了。
26 耶穌打發他回家,說:連這村子你也不要進去。
禱告: 親愛的主耶穌,我們把周遭有需要的人帶到祢面前,求祢拯救並醫治。主耶穌,我們也以祢美善謙卑的情操為榜樣,求主陶塑我們的生命。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們!
Mark 8:22-26
This passage told us how Jesus healed the blind. He took him by his hands, led him out of the village and took care of him step by step. Jesus then asked him not to go back to that village.
What is it teaching us about Jesus’ healing? The care of the Lord is detail, deliberate and complete. Yet He didn’t ask for gratitude and the praise of people. For the Lord’s work is vindicated by our God In Heaven.
Let’s ponder upon how we minister, and the good example of our Lord Jesus.