讀經分享利未記13章1-8節(Leviticus 13:1-8)


1 耶和華曉諭摩西亞倫說:
2 人的肉皮上若長了癤子,或長了癬,或長了火斑,在他肉皮上成了大痲瘋的災病,就要將他帶到祭司亞倫,或亞倫作祭司的一個子孫面前。
3 祭司要察看肉皮上的災病,若災病處的毛,已經變白,災病的現象,深於肉上的皮,這便是大痲瘋的災病,祭司要察看他,定他為不潔淨。
4 若火斑在他肉皮上是白的,現象不深於皮,其上的毛也沒有變白,祭司就要將有災病的人關鎖七天。
5 第七天祭司要察看他,若看災病止住了,沒有在皮上發散,祭司還要將他關鎖七天。
6 第七天祭司要再察看他,若災病發暗,而且沒有在皮上發散,祭司要定他為潔淨,原來是癬,那人就要洗衣服,得為潔淨。
7 但他為得潔淨,將身體給祭司察看以後,癬若在皮上發散開了,他要再將身體給祭司察看。
8 祭司要察看,癬若在皮上發散,就要定他為不潔淨,是大痲瘋。
天父,康健的人用不着醫生,有病的才需要。有病的要尋求醫治,有罪的要面對罪惡及其帶來的影響。 求主耶穌基督的寶血潔淨我們,求主保守醫治我們個人及我們所屬的群體。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Leviticus 13:1-8 
It is a passage that most people will just flip through or put aside. It depicts how at Moses time people should handle contagious disease. We may wonder why it is included in the bible. On one aspect, God is teaching the Israelites through Moses who has no medical training about handling contagious skin diseases, protecting their community life. On the other hand there is a spiritual meaning. God is holy and He wants us to be holy. Sin is contagious like skin disease and it can impact one person and the whole community. 
We all care about our health, and we do check up periodically. Yet we tend to ignore the impact of sins in our lives. The bible used contagious disease to help us be aware of the importance of a holy and healthy life. Sins destroy our spiritual health and we can never disparage its impact. 
Healthy people do not need a doctor, but the sick do. Sins destroy our spiritual health and must be dealt with.