6 我所揀選的禁食,不是要鬆開兇惡的繩,解下軛上的索,
7 不是要把你的餅,分給飢餓的人,將飄流的窮人,接到你家中,
8 這樣,你的光就必發現如早晨的光,你所得的醫治,要速速發明,
9 那時你求告,耶和華必應允,你呼求,他必說:我在這裡。
10 你心若向飢餓的人發憐憫,使困苦的人得滿足,
11 耶和華也必時常引導你,在乾旱之地使你心滿意足,骨頭強壯,
12 那些出於你的人,必修造久已荒廢之處,你要建立拆毀累代的根基,
Isaiah 58:6-12
This is not a familiar passage we often read but it is so very important. Followers of Christ are the Repairers of broken walls, Restorers of street of dwelling. We need to help to fill in the gap, repair broken relationship and correct people from their wrong pathway.
They are missional to all God’s people. They are not slogans but actual practice. We provide people when they are in need, we correct them when they are in the wrongs and set free the oppressed and the heavy burdened. Then when we call upon the Lord, He will be with us and answer us.
We have to finish the tasks given by God, the tasks of rescue, repair and restoration.