讀經分享馬可福音三章13-19節 ( Mark 3:13-19 )

13 耶穌上了山,隨自己的意思叫人來;他們便來到他那裡。
14 他就設立十二個人,要他們常和自己同在,也要差他們去傳道,
15 並給他們權柄趕鬼。
16 這十二個人有西門,耶穌又給他起名叫彼得。
17 還有西庇太的兒子雅各和雅各的兄弟約翰,又給這兩個人起名叫半尼其,就是雷子的意思,
18 又有安得烈,腓力,巴多羅買,馬太,多馬,亞勒腓的兒子雅各,和達太,並奮銳黨的西門。
19 還有賣耶穌的加略人猶大。
禱告: 天父上帝,謝謝祢愛我們、揀選我們,願我們更多經歷主的愛,忠心跟從基督,為主作工。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Mark 3:13-19
Jesus chose the twelve disciples and sent them out to preach the gospel, to heal and deliver.  Being chosen is our privilege, it is precious. Freely given we should freely give. Disciples are chosen from different backgrounds.  Yet they have one purpose: following Jesus.
Many believers do not serve because they think they don’t have the ability to serve.  Some refuse to do so for they have other things that attract them.  We labour hard to make a living, but not for Jesus.  The only way for people to follow Christ is when they are compelled by the love of God.  We love because God first love us.  Being chosen is love.