讀經分享約伯記二章11-13節( Job 2:11-13 )

11 約伯的三個朋友,提幔人以利法,書亞人比勒達,拿瑪人瑣法,聽說有這一切的災禍臨到他身上,各人就從本處約會同來,為他悲傷,安慰他。
12 他們遠遠的舉目觀看,認不出他來,就放聲大哭,各人撕裂外袍,把塵土向天揚起來,落在自己的頭上。
13 他們就同他七天七夜,坐在地上,一個人也不向他說句話,因為他極其痛苦。
禱告: 神啊!祢是最大的安慰者,願我們能將從祢所得的安慰去安慰人,扶持陪伴人。主耶穌,求主使我們成為屬靈的安慰者,傳遞從神而來的天賜平安。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Job 2:11-13
Job’s three friends promptly attended Job when they heard about his troubles.  When they arrived, they sat with him and kept him company for 7 days and nights.  This is real comfort that comes better than words.
God sends us as angels to be there for others who need comfort.  We think that we need to soothe the troubled by kind words but usually silent company and support in practical ways will be the best help. We don’t need to preach and correct but to bring the peace of God to comfort the needy.  May God grant us wisdom.