1 眾人將神的約櫃請進去,安放在大衛所搭的帳幕裡,就在神面前獻燔祭,和平安祭。
2 大衛獻完了燔祭和平安祭,就奉耶和華的名給民祝福。
3 並且分給以色列人,無論男女,每人一個餅,一塊肉,一個葡萄餅。
4 大衛派幾個利未人在耶和華的約櫃前事奉,頌揚,稱謝,讚美耶和華以色列的神。
5 為首的是亞薩,其次是撒迦利雅,雅薛,示米拉末,耶歇,瑪他提雅,以利押,比拿雅,俄別以東,耶利,鼓瑟彈琴,惟有亞薩敲鈸,大發響聲。
6 祭司比拿雅和雅哈悉常在神的約櫃前吹號。
7 那日大衛初次藉亞薩和他的弟兄,以詩歌稱頌耶和華,說:
8 你們要稱謝耶和華,求告他的名,在萬民中傳揚他的作為。
9 要向他唱詩,歌頌,談論他一切奇妙的作為。
10 要以他的聖名誇耀,尋求耶和華的人心中應當歡喜。
11 要尋求耶和華與他的能力,時常尋求他的面。
禱告: 神啊!我讚美祢的權柄大能、信實守約與永遠的愛。我要尋求祢的面,祢的同在,祢的幫助與能力,求祢施行拯救,保守我照祢的心意行,以感恩的心過每一天。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
1 chronicles 16:1-11
When the ark was moved into the city of David, the Israelites sang and worshipped before God. The ark symbolized the presence and governing of God. He deserves our praises and worship. There were a scroll of commandments and the staff of Aaron in the ark of covenant representing God’s sovereignty and ruling.
Life is full of challenges and we need our God. He is with us when life is smooth. When situations are against us, He is with us. There were the Ten Commandments and the staff of Aaron inside the ark of the covenant representing the instruction and sovereignty of God. We are to live a life of gratitude and obedience.