讀經分享撒母耳記下二十三章13-17節( 2 Samuel 23:13-17 )

13 收割的時候,有三十個勇士中的三個人下到亞杜蘭洞見大衛。非利士的軍兵在利乏音谷安營。
14 那時大衛在山寨,非利士人的防營在伯利恆。
15 大衛渴想,說:甚願有人將伯利恆城門旁井裡的水打來給我喝。
16 這三個勇士就闖過非利士人的營盤,從伯利恆城門旁的井裡打水,拿來奉給大衛,他卻不肯喝,將水奠在耶和華面前,
17 說:耶和華阿,這三個人冒死去打水,這水好像他們的血一般,我斷不敢喝,如此大衛不肯喝,這是三個勇士所作的事。
禱告: 天父,今天我們要學習的,是將我們所作的獻給您,一切好處、名聲都該歸給您,您才是配得的。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
2 Samuel 23:13-17
The Bible passage narrates the three warriors who dare to break into the enemy’s territory just to get some water from the well for their leader David.  David was touched and felt undeserved.  He offered the water to the Lord, the water that almost cost the lives of his comrades.
There are lessons to learn from both sides.  The courage of the three warriors depicts their loyalty and love.  David’s reflection on himself leads to spiritual humility and offering to the Lord.
What we can learn is that everything we have, whether it’s fame or gains, should be offered to God for He is the Only One who deserves it.