讀經分享列王紀下六章15-17節( 2 King 6:15-17 )

15 神人的僕人清早起來出去,看見車馬軍兵圍困了城。僕人對神人說:哀哉,我主阿,我們怎樣行纔好呢?
16 神人說:不要懼怕,與我們同在的,比與他們同在的更多。
17 以利沙禱告說:耶和華阿,求你開這少年人的眼目,使他能看見。耶和華開他的眼目,他就看見滿山有火車火馬圍繞以利沙。
禱告: 天父,求您給我們一雙屬靈的眼睛,一對聆聽上帝聲音的耳朵,和一顆受教的心,在生命中每個難關,都經歷上帝的天使天軍為我們爭戰。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
2 king 6:15-17
When the Israelites were surrounded by their enemies, the prophet Elisha prayed for the salvation of the Lord.  The servant of Elisha was scared for he could only see the surrounding army, but not the chariots of fire all around them.  The prophet prayed for the servant so that he could see.
Life journey is full of challenges and difficulties.  We give only on the trouble and the challenge and we can never see the helping hands of God.  God’s angels are around and His army is with us to deliver us.  May we have the spiritual sight to see, the opening of our ears to listen to the Lord and a submissive heart to follow Him through.
Don’t be afraid, “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”