讀經分享列王紀上三章5-12節( 1 king 3:5-12 )

5 在基遍夜間夢中,耶和華向所羅門顯現,對他說:你願我賜你甚麼,你可以求。
6 所羅門說:你僕人我父親大衛,用誠實,公義,正直的心,行在你面前,你就向他大施恩典,又為他存留大恩,賜他一個兒子坐在他的位上,正如今日一樣。
7 耶和華我的神阿,如今你使僕人接續我父親大衛作王,但我是幼童,不知道應當怎樣出入。
8 僕人住在你所揀選的民中,這民多得不可勝數。
9 所以求你賜我智慧,可以判斷你的民,能辨別是非,不然,誰能判斷這眾多的民呢?
10 所羅門因為求這事,就蒙主喜悅。
11 神對他說:你既然求這事,不為自己求壽,求富,也不求滅絕你仇敵的性命,單求智慧可以聽訟,
12 我就應允你所求的,賜你聰明智慧,甚至在你以前沒有像你的,在你以後也沒有像你的。
禱告: 親愛的天父,求您賜下屬靈的智慧,更求主給我們一個跟從祢的心,不看重名利權勢,只看重怎樣行在神的心意中,祝福別人。
1 king 3:5-12
King Solomon didn’t ask God for wealth or long life.  He asked for a discerning heart, a heart that distinguish what is right and wrong, what is the will of God so that he could administer justice according to God’s standards and lead people to live according to the laws of God.
Spiritual discernment is what we are lacking today.  We need to find out what is right and wrong, what is good and evil, what is the will of God,  it is easy said than done.  Yet it has the good purpose of correcting behavior, transforming heart and creating a spiritual community in obedience of God. May God grant us discerning hearts that deny the desire for fame but follow God and bless others.