讀經分享約翰福音二章13-22節 (John 2:13-22 )

13 猶太人的逾越節近了,耶穌就上耶路撒冷去。
14 看見殿裡有賣牛羊鴿子的,並有兌換銀錢的人,坐在那裡。
15 耶穌就拿繩子作成鞭子,把牛羊都趕出殿去,倒出兌換銀錢之人的銀錢,推翻他們的桌子。
16 又對賣鴿子的說:把這些東西拿去,不要將我父的殿,當作買賣的地方。
17 他的門徒就想起經上記著說:『我為你的殿,心裡焦急,如同火燒。』
18 因此猶太人問他說:你既作這些事,還顯甚麼神蹟給我們看呢?
19 耶穌回答說:你們拆毀這殿,我三日內要再建立起來。
20 猶太人便說:這殿是四十六年纔造成的,你三日內就再建立起來嗎?
21 但耶穌這話,是以他的身體為殿。
22 所以到他從死裡復活以後,門徒就想起他說過這話,便信了聖經和耶穌所說的。
禱告: 主耶穌,明白神的旨意是生命中很重要的學習。謝謝祢讓我透過聽道、讀經、團契、彼此分享,更多認識神的真理,明白神的心意。求主賜下真理的靈、啓示的靈,幫助我們更多明白神的心意。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們!
John 2:13-22
Jesus cleansed the temple and predicted its destruction, which He referred to His body that He would sacrifice, and the resurrection.  The disciples did not understand not until they recalled Jesus’ saying after He departed the world.
We need to learn the Word and correctly understand.  However we glance through the bible and seldom go into details to know what exactly God is saying to us.  
We need to know God’s will in us through His words. To do so, we need bible reading, fellowship, sharing and godly support from one another.  Holy Spirit, help us to understand.