2 凡心裡沒有詭詐,耶和華不算為有罪的,這人是有福的。
3 我閉口不認罪的時候,因終日唉哼,而骨頭枯乾。
4 黑夜白日,你的手在我身上沉重,我的精液耗盡,如同夏天的乾旱。
5 我向你陳明我的罪,不隱瞞我的惡,我說:我要向耶和華承認我的過犯,你就赦免我的罪惡。
6 為此,凡虔誠人,都當趁你可尋找的時候禱告你,大水泛溢的時候,必不能到他那裡。
7 你是我藏身之處,你必保佑我脫離苦難,以得救的樂歌,四面環繞我。
禱告: 天父,罪過得以被赦免是何等有福。我向你陳明我的罪,不隱瞞我的惡,謝謝祢的寬恕和忍耐。阿爸父,我要向祢禱告,祢是我藏身之處,祢必保佑我脫離苦難,以得救的樂歌,四面環繞我。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們!
Psalm 32:1-7
David’s psalm reflected his sincerity and the intimate relationship he had with God. He pleaded for forgiveness for the burden of sins was upon him. He recognized the forgiveness of God that set him free and give him the liberation of his soul and the renewal of his life.
We are all sinners and we repeat the wrongdoings all the time. Yet our God repeatedly grants us the chance to repent. Godly forgiveness refresh our mind and soul, and empowers us to forgive when we are forgiven. This is life.