讀經分享申命記四章3-10節(Deuteronomy 4:3-10 )

3 耶和華因巴力毘珥的事所行的,你們親眼看見了。凡隨從巴力毘珥的人,耶和華─你們的神都從你們中間除滅了。
4 惟有你們專靠耶和華你們神的人,今日全都存活。
5 我照著耶和華─我神所吩咐的將律例典章教訓你們,使你們在所要進去得為業的地上遵行。
6 所以你們要謹守遵行,這就是你們在萬民眼前的智慧,聰明,他們聽見這一切律例,必說:這大國的人真是有智慧,有聰明。
7 那一大國的人有神與他們相近,像耶和華我們的神,在我們求告他的時候與我們相近呢?
8 又那一大國有這樣公義的律例,典章,像我今日在你們面前所陳明的這一切律法呢?
9 你只要謹慎,殷勤保守你的心靈,免得忘記你親眼所看見的事,又免得你一生,這事離開你的心,總要傳給你的子子孫孫。
10 你在何烈山站在耶和華你神面前的那日,耶和華對我說:你為我招聚百姓,我要叫他們聽見我的話,使他們存活在世的日子,可以學習敬畏我,又可以教訓兒女這樣行。
Deuteronomy 4:3-10
The Lord defeated the enemies of the Israelites and destroyed all who worshipped idols, keeping those who fear Him alive.  This passage was the command of the Lord through Moses to depict Israelites never to forget the work of the Lord.  His children would show wisdom to others the way they lived, witnessing God’s decree and blessings to those who revere and follow Him.
How do we live as His children today?  Do we follow His decree and live accordingly? A revere heart will inspire us to remember the good work of the Lord and follow His commands.  Our hearts for the Lord will not fade and we will follow Him, teaching our children and others as well.