讀經分享詩篇119篇97-104 節 ( Psalm 119:97-104 )

97 我何等愛慕你的律法,終日不住地思想。
98 你的命令常存在我心裡,使我比仇敵有智慧。
99 我比我的師傅更通達,因我思想你的法度。
100 我比年老的更明白,因我守了你的訓詞。
101 我禁止我腳走一切的邪路,為要遵守你的話。
102 我沒有偏離你的典章,因為你教訓了我。
103 你的言語在我上膛何等甘美,在我口中比蜜更甜。
104 我藉著你的訓詞,得以明白,所以我恨一切的假道。
Psalm 119:97-104
When we admire the words of the Lord, we will automatically stay close to Him and His way. Loving the Word keeps us in His light and His Light empowers us to abandon our darkness and live in the Light.
The psalmist repeated words like understanding and wisdom in knowing God.  It is not about worldly wisdom but godly one, that enables us to follow and submit leading to peace and joy.  Everyday we read His word, for understanding Him is the beginning of wisdom, is the clue to obedience and the source of joy.