讀經分享歌羅西書二章9-15節( Colossians 2:9-15 )

9 因為神本性一切的豐盛,都有形有體的居住在基督裡面。
10 你們在他裡面也得了豐盛。他是各樣執政掌權者的元首。
11 你們在他裡面,也受了不是人手所行的割禮,乃是基督使你們脫去肉體情慾的割禮。
12 你們既受洗與他一同埋葬,也就在此與他一同復活,都因信那叫他從死裡復活神的功用。
13 你們從前在過犯,和未受割禮的肉體中死了,神赦免了你們〔或作我們〕一切過犯,便叫你們與基督一同活過來。
14 又塗抹了在律例上所寫,攻擊我們有礙於我們的字據,把他撤去,釘在十字架上。
15 既將一切執政的掌權的擄來,明顯給眾人看,就仗著十字架誇勝。
禱告: 主耶穌,今天我們安靜在祢的面前,承認我們需要祢,我們的生命需要神的救贖,不再活在罪中,而是活在基督赦罪的恩典中,不靠肉體和情慾生活,只靠神赦罪的大能而活。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Colossians 2:9-15
Jesus entered into human world and become a total man to redeem the world.  We are, as Paul described, to be forgiven and circumcised in the heart but not by flesh through Christ victory on the cross.  We are transformed and changed into a new life through the forgiveness and saving grace of Christ.
We may have heard about the message many times.  Yet our lives may not have been transformed.  If we are circumcised by the Spirit, we will not live in sins, followed by our flesh, but lived according to the lead of the spirit and forgiveness of sins on the Cross.