讀經分享箴言七章1-5節 ( Proverbs 7 : 1-5 )

1 我兒,你要遵守我的言語,將我的命令存記在心。
2 遵守我的命令,就得存活,保守我的法則〔或作指教〕好像保守眼中的瞳人。
3 繫在你指頭上,刻在你心版上。
4 對智慧說:你是我的姊妹,稱呼聰明為你的親人。
5 他就保你遠離淫婦,遠離說諂媚話的外女。
Proverbs 7:1-5
The wisdom of God enables us to live in His wil, trusting His promises.  This is the only way to resist the adulterous world, the wayward culture and the lies that tempt us away from God.  We are scared of pandemic but we are not worried about sins that cause eternal death. Only in the truth of God’s words we are able to follow Christ closely. 
Taking the words of God in our hearts instead of the advice of men who pretend to be experts is the teaching of proverbs.  Trust the Lord and cast all our worries to Him, for He cares.  Through His words we submit in peace, follow with trust and live according to His will.  May God help us.