讀經分享以弗所書四章7-16節( Ephesians 4:7-16 )

7 我們各人蒙恩,都是照基督所量給各人的恩賜。
8 所以經上說:『他升上高天的時候,擄掠了仇敵,將各樣的恩賜賞給人。』
10 那降下的,就是遠升諸天之上要充滿萬有的。)
11 他所賜的有使徒,有先知,有傳福音的,有牧師和教師。
12 為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體。
13 直等到我們眾人在真道上同歸於一,認識神的兒子,得以長大成人,滿有基督長成的身量。
14 使我們不再作小孩子,中了人的詭計,和欺騙的法術,被一切異教之風搖動,飄來飄去,就隨從各樣的異端。
15 惟用愛心說誠實話,凡事長進,連於元首基督。
16 全身都靠他聯絡得合式,百節各按各職,照著各體的功用,彼此相助,便叫身體漸漸增長,在愛中建立自己。
禱告: 主耶穌,在今天不能實體聚會的日子,更是考驗我們對神的委身。求聖靈幫助加力給各肢體 ,讓我們更清楚自己的恩賜,委身於神,忠於神的託付。
Ephesians 4:7-16
As in a Christian community, each believer is called into it according to the gift and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  In oneness and togetherness, we build each other up and grow in maturity, knowing the richness of Christ and learning to serve one another.  We will then not be tossed back and forth by heresy and deceitful teaching. 
This is the church, the Christian community and the body of Christ. Each of us is gifted to serve and then grow into spiritual maturity.  Today when we can’t meet up physically, it is a trial to our commitment in the Lord.  May the Spirit help us and empower us to continue serving Him under different and difficult circumstances.