14 錫安說:耶和華離棄了我,主忘記了我。
15 婦人焉能忘記他吃奶的嬰孩,不憐恤他所生的兒子,即或有忘記的,我卻不忘記你。
16 看哪,我將你銘刻在我掌上,你的牆垣常在我眼前。
17 你的兒女必急速歸回,毀壞你的,使你荒廢的,必都離你出去。
18 你舉目向四方觀看,他們都聚集來到你這裡,耶和華說:我指著我的永生起誓,你必要以他們為妝飾佩戴,以他們為華帶束腰,像新婦一樣。
19 至於你荒廢淒涼之處,並你被毀壞之地,現今眾民居住必顯為太窄,吞滅你的必離你遙遠。
Isaiah 49:14-19
This is a comforting passage from the Lord through prophet Isaiah. The prophet described the care of our God as a mother’s compassion on the child borne. God engraves our names onto His palm. He never forgets us. What a comfort and blessing.
Are we facing problems and encountering obstacles ? Turn to the promises of God. He loves us as a mother who cares and nurtures, as a father who remembers and protects. If so what do we have to fear?