讀經分享列王紀上十七章8-16節( 1 King 17 : 8-16 )

8 耶和華的話臨到他,說:
9 你起身往西頓的撒勒法去〔撒勒法與路加福音四章二十六節同〕住在那裡,我已吩咐那裡的一個寡婦供養你。
10 以利亞就起身往撒勒法去,到了城門,見有一個寡婦在那裡撿柴,以利亞呼叫他,說:求你用器皿取點水來給我喝。
11 他去取水的時候,以利亞又呼叫他,說:也求你拿點餅來給我。
12 他說:我指著永生耶和華你的神起誓,我沒有餅,罈內只有一把麵,瓶裡只有一點油,我現在找兩根柴,回家要為我和我兒子作餅,我們吃了,死就死吧。
13 以利亞對他說:不要懼怕,可以照你所說的去作吧,只要先為我作一個小餅,拿來給我,然後為你和你的兒子作餅。
14 因為耶和華以色列的神如此說:罈內的麵必不減少,瓶裡的油必不缺短,直到耶和華使雨降在地上的日子。
15 婦人就照以利亞的話去行,他和他家中的人,並以利亞,吃了許多日子。
16 罈內的麵果不減少,瓶裡的油也不缺短,正如耶和華藉以利亞所說的話。
1 king 17:8-16
The passage narrates how prophet Elijah was provided through the widow in the area of Sidon.  It was all about how a poor widow lacking help and support can provide for the prophet, and in the end she and her son survived through the offering.  The miracle was made possible through obedience, the obedience of the prophet to go to the widow, the widow’s obedience to make bread for the prophet.
Are we obedient to God? In times of need, do we still trust Him and follow His words? God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours.  All things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose(Roman 8:28). Do we believe?